Six Lesser-Known Facts To Request From Home Sellers
Home buyers are often curious about some aspects of a house that are not immediately shared at open houses and home showings. However, when you are searching for a home and find one that really piques your interest, it is okay to ask any questions you want. A realtor is usually happy to answer questions, and the home seller often is, too. After all, the home seller can choose not to answer questions, and you can then decide whether you want to further consider a house. Either way, ask what you want. Here are some lesser-known facts you may want to request from sellers.
Ask Which Year the Home Last Got a New Roof
Home sellers should be forthcoming with this information. The roof is a big investment in any home, and knowing when the house last got a new roof may give you an indication of whether or not you may need to replace it in the near future.
Ask Whether Anyone Has Died in the House to Their Knowledge
Although this may seem morbid, it is a fair question to ask if you are concerned about living in a home where someone else may have died. No matter why you want to obtain this piece of information, it's alright to ask.
Ask for the Contact Info of Contractors the Home Owner Used
You can ask for recommendations on local contractors who have worked on the house before and request their contact information. Most home sellers are more than happy to give out this sort of information to help both the home buyer and the contractors.
Ask Whether the Appliances Are Under Warranty
Most home buyers tend to consider appliances as small details in the much larger matter of the home itself, but you should get information them. If appliances are under warranty, it can also show you that the home owner has kept up the home with modern upgrades.
Ask Whatever You Want to Know About the Property Taxes
You may have always been taught that it is rude to ask about money, but it is perfectly alright in some situations. When you are thinking of buying a home, you have every right to ask about how much you are likely to pay in property taxes every year.
Ask for Information on Any Parking Restrictions Near Your Home
Sometimes parking restrictions in small or exclusive neighborhoods can prevent you from having gatherings in the way you'd like. Finding out information on parking restrictions early on can help you avoid putting time and energy into a place that you wouldn't want if parking restrictions are immense and entertaining is a priority.
Finally, keep in mind that you have every right to ask anything you want to know about a house. If you make the home seller uncomfortable, they don't have to answer the question. Make a list of what you want to know about the home, then ask the questions at a showing, at an open house, or directly to the real estate agent or home seller. When you ask what you want to know, you empower yourself to gather the information you need to make an informed decision about the home you want. For more information, contact a professional in your area or visit a website like