Use These Methods To Increase Interest In Your Upcoming Open House
From the time that you list your home for sale to the time that you sign the papers to sell it, you may only have one or two open houses scheduled. For this reason, it's critical to make these events count. The right real estate agent will do his or her part to widely advertise your open house so that, when the time comes, people are eager to get inside and check it out. However, you can also lend a hand to increase people's interest in the upcoming open house. Here are a number of methods that can be effective for drumming up interest.
Advertise Around The Neighborhood
Your agent can take some steps to raise the profile of your upcoming open house throughout the surrounding area. He or she can accomplish this by placing an "Open House" sign on your lawn and other signs nearby — for example, one at the entrance to your subdivision. These signs should clearly reveal the date and time of the open house so that people are clear. The agent can also consider printing off multiple feature sheets on the house and giving them to you to distribute in the mailboxes of the houses in your area. If you're willing to do this legwork, it's more of a cost-effective method than paying a flyer service to distribute them for you.
Publicize The Event On Social Media
While your agent will likely be using his or her website to advertise the upcoming open house, you can lend a hand by posting the online listing on your social media pages and writing a short blurb about the specifics of the open house. This is especially valuable on a platform such as Facebook, as people customarily have a number of Facebook friends from their local area. You can also ask people to share your posting, which will dramatically increase the number of people who see it.
Carry Flyers With You
It's also useful to tell people about your open house throughout the week leading up to the event. For example, tell your work colleagues and ask if they're shopping for a home or know someone who is. You can then pass them a flyer that provides details about your home and includes the date and time of the open house. If a colleague has a friend who might be interested, ask the friend to take a quick snapshot of your flyer and send it to the friend. The more you do this, the better turnout you should have — and this can translate into selling your home quickly.
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