what is your perfect home?

Getting a few answers before you begin looking for your new home can eliminate many of the options on the market. Learn more about it here.

Three Amenities That Will Attract More Students To Your Apartment Community

30 September 2015
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

If you own or manage an apartment community near a college or university, then renting to students is a good way to ensure your units are filled. Many students want to live off campus; the secret to attracting tenants of this style is to offer amenities that make their lives easier. Here's a look at three service amenities that will encourage students to choose your apartment community over the competition. Read More …

Three Mistakes To Avoid When Advertising Your Apartment Community Online

30 September 2015
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

These days, if you're not advertising your apartment community online, you'll have a real struggle finding tenants. Simply listing your community online is not enough though – it's important to do it in a way that presents your property favorably and makes tenants want to stop by to take a look. To ensure your website and social media advertisements are truly working for you, be sure to avoid these common mistakes. Read More …

Prepare The Home You Want To Sell For A Thorough Inspection

30 September 2015
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Selling a property is fairly straightforward, but turning it into a highly desirable home can get complicated. It is best to take advantage of minor improvements before listing the home, but you also want to provide potential buyers with a fully functional property, especially since a home inspection is inevitable. Understanding the importance of preparation will help you improve your property selling experience. Get an Inspection of Your Own Since you know that potential home buyers will want to get an inspection of the home, you should take matters into your own hands by getting an inspection of your own beforehand. Read More …

3 Signs That It Is Time To Transition Your Loved One To An Assisted Living Facility

30 September 2015
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Having a loved one age can be hard. Many people believe that they will be able to care for their parents and loved ones as they near the end of life. However, in some cases it is just not reasonable or plausible for a family to be able to care for the complex needs of the aging individual. This is why it is important that family members recognize when it is time for an assisted living center to care for their loved one. Read More …

Tips for First-Time Horse-Ranch Buyers

29 September 2015
 Categories: Real Estate, Blog

Are you a horse enthusiast? Are your finances finally good enough for you to consider following your dream of purchasing an estate country horse ranch? If you've never purchased any horse properties before, here are some things that you should be thinking about: Use equipment as part of the negotiations. The seller may include all the equipment on the horse ranch as part of the deal. However, if any of the equipment will need to be replaced soon, you may be able to use this fact to offer a lower price to the seller. Read More …

About Me
what is your perfect home?

What is the perfect home? What is perfect for one person may be too small or large for another? Do you want a home made of brick or do you want one made of wood? Do you want a condo or do you want a house on a nice big piece of land? Getting a few answers before you begin looking for your new home can eliminate many of the options on the market. This will help to decrease the time it takes for you to search for the home that you find perfect for yourself and your family's needs.